The Rapture

Saturday, April 9, 2011

As Easter approaches . . .

I cannot believe it has been almost a year since I last posted. One reason is because of my lack of fans. I got one response to my post in regard to my rant against Walmart. The individual that responded was unhappy concerning what I wrote about Tom Statum. It made me chuckle, because it was over a year after the fact. It did not merit posting on my blog.

Nevertheless, life goes on with me. As Easter approaches, I am drawn to the reality of the season. The reason for Easter has been totally discarded in favor of chocolate rabbits, marshmallow chicks, and new clothes. Oh, there are those that will actually make an attempt to “go to church” since it’s Easter. My question is, “Why bother?” Going to church will no sooner get you into Heaven than going into a garage will make you a car.

The REASON for Easter is what gets one into Heaven. Jesus Christ rose from the dead on what we call Easter; He left the tomb; He defeated death. His death on the cross paid the penalty of our sins once and for all and His resurrection assured us eternal life. That IS why we have Easter.

So while you’re enjoying your chocolate rabbits, marshmallow chicks, and new clothes, pause to consider “WHY.”